Thursday, 22 September 2016

Conference Experience 2: CERI 2016 Galway

Galway conference was the first time in which I had to present my work. The conference was carried out in the School of Civil Engineering of the University of Galway on 29th and 30th August, covering several areas of study: Bridges, Environment, Materials, Concrete, Technology, Teaching and Learning, Geotechnics, Timber, and Structures. Depending on the session there were around 8 presentations. However, some of the topics were extended in many sessions at different times. The paper I presented was titled “Drive-by Bridge Damage Detection Using Curvatures in Uncertain Environments”. In this paper we studied the influence of two main factors that disturb the collection of data when using drive-by monitoring: road profile and noise. The conclusion was that the road profile does not have much influence in the final results. In contrast, the noise can spoil the shape of the curvature, making impossible either quantify or localise the damage. Further work needs to be done for improving noise removal.

Fig 1. Somebody that I don’t know at all answering questions. However, he seems really handsome!

On the one hand, the road profile is not a problem given that it is the same for all the sensors on the vehicle when passing through the bridge. The latter explains that deflections obtained by some sensors match deflections obtained from other sensors when using the Instantaneous Curvature (IC) defined in the Belfast Conference blog. On the other hand, we have noise measurements that, as they are random for each sensor, lead to curvatures that have nothing to do with the results that should be obtained. When using the second derivative of a function, the disturbances are larger than in the original added noise.

Eight TRUSS early stage researchers were there enjoying the sun (irony mode on) and the conference presentations (irony mode off): Sofia (ESR1), Shah Nur (ESR2), Alberto (ESR3), Rui (ESR4), Farhad (ESR7), Barbara (ESR8), JJ (ESR10) and me (ESR12). We will gather together in Dublin in early December again for the Mid-Term Review Project Meeting!

Fig 2. Part of TRUSS ESR group with Dr. Arturo González in the middle

We all enjoyed the conference, that counted with the participation of  many UCD researchers, like my workmates Paul, Alexandra and Paraic. Also the question man, Abdollah was there, with Longwei and many other UCD people. That made the conference to be a bit like home.

Fig 3. Main entrance of the building almost collapsed by conference people and students.

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