Friday, 10 August 2018

Project Management Course with DCM

Hi all!

Two months ago, between the 11th and the 14th of June, DCM provided a very interesting course about Project Management. Most of the TRUSS Early Student Researchers (ESRs) were there. We really missed Guang, JJ, and Antonio 😢.

The idea of doing this course came from the TRUSS Training Week last January in which both UCD and Trinity collaborated. Last day we had a lecture only about Project Management and we realized the importance of that topic applied to our engineering careers.

Figure 1. TRUSS future PMs.

DCM provided the lessons based on the Project Management Institute (PMI) guidelines. PMI is the most recognized institute worldwide regarding Project Management. Waterfall project management was introduced in which a project follows sequential steps to be finished. Each of the steps are called Project Management Process Groups.

Figure 2. Project Management Process Groups. Extracted from PMBOK Guide from PMI.

In order to successfully apply the Process Groups, there are 10 different Knowledge Areas. Both Process Groups and Knowledge areas were covered during this 4 days course. Among the knowledge areas covered I can highlight Stakeholder Analysis, Cost and Time Management, and Scope Management.

Figure 3. PM course in UCD.

Finally, all the attendees have to apply the Project Management tools to complete our own individual project. Two assignments, one with more theoretical questions and another completing our project, had to be completed to finish the course. This way, we were able to apply what we learned during the course.

Figure 4. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of my project.

To conclude, I think that Project Management is an area far more important for engineers than what we think. Even if you are not managing the project, it is important to know which role you are playing in the project. This way, your work can be optimized.